How to Export a Mitel Configuration

How do I generate a Mitel export file?

Mitel Shoretel (MiVoice Connect)

You will need to be a MiVoice Connect System Administrator and have the credentials to login to the MiVoice Connect System

Procedure 1:

  • Login to the MiVoice Connect HQ server either directly or using Remote Desktop Connection
  • Navigate to “C:\Shoreline Data\Database\SnapShot”
  • Sort the view by “Date Modified” and copy the “SnapShotMM-DD-YYYY XXXXXX.sql.gz” file that is most recent to your workstation.


Procedure 2: (Run Backup on Demand)

  • Login to the MiVoice Connect HQ server either directly or using Remote Desktop Connection
  • Navigate to C:\Program Files\Shoreline Communications\Shoreware Server\MySQL\MySQL server\Examples
  • Run the backup config.bat file. This will create a new “.sql” file under C folder
  • Copy the “.sql” file to your workstation

:white_check_mark: You now have an export of your Mitel configuration.
Upload the “sql.gz” or “sql” file to PBX Assessment to receive your customized report.

Mitel MiVoice Business (MiVB)

Backups are achieved through manually exporting the following forms manually, and exporting them from the Mitel Application portal to a CSV file (one for each section)

System Options Default Account Codes ACD Agents IDs ARS Call Progress Tone Detection
System Capacity Independent Account Codes ACD Agent Skill Groups ARS Digit Modification
Users and Services Configuration System Account Codes ACD Express Groups ARS Maximum Dialled Digits
Feature Access Codes Inward Dialling Modification ACD paths ARS Routes
System Speed Calls Outward Dialling Modification ACD Path interflow dialling lists ARS Route Lists
Personal Ring Groups Trunk Attributes ACD Remote Agent Subgroups ARS Route Plans
Hunt Groups ICP/PBX Network Elements Default CESID ARS Digits Dialled
Ring Groups IP/XNET Trunk Groups L2 to CESID ARS Leading Digits
Pickup Groups All IP Telephones CESID Assignment ARS Node Identities
Paging Groups Hardware Modules Analog Trunks + Trunk Groups
Call Forwarding Profile Hardware Compute Cards Digital Trunks
DND System IP Properties DID Ranges for CPN Substitution
Network Elements

:white_check_mark: You now have an export of your Mitel configuration.
Upload all the gathered files to PBX Assessment to receive your customized report.