SBC Number Configurations Report

This report provides information about all numbers configured in the ZIRO SBC and ZPM for a given client.

Data Points

The report considers the following data points to determine misconfigurations:

  • All Numbers on the ZIRO SBC (Returned by Number API)
  • ZIRO DRaaS and ZIRO DRaas (BYOC) Dial plans
  • :new: The ZIRO Emergency Numbers Exception Group

Misconfiguration Types

  • DRaaS Missing in ZPM - Numbers in the SBC with a ZIRO carrier (Bandwidth, Voxology, Voxbone or Sinch) that match 2 criteria below:

    • Number is not in ZIRO DRaaS Dial Plan
    • :new: Number is not not part of the ZIRO Emergency Numbers Exception Group.
  • BYOC Missing in ZPM - Numbers in the SBC with the carrier set to BYOC that are missing from a ZIRO DRaaS (BYOC) dial plan group in ZPM.

  • DRaaS missing from SBC - Numbers part of ZIRO DRaaS dial plan group that are missing from the SBC.

  • BYOC missing from SBC - Numbers part of ZIRO DRaaS (BYOC) dial plan group missing from the SBC.

  • SBC Number Missing Carrier - Numbers in the SBC with carrier set to Unknown. These are considered misconfigured since Unknown is the default value on all entries in the SBC until they are updated to reflect their carrier information.