How to Export an Avaya Configuration for Lower Level Design

What do I need to generate an Avaya export file?

To generate an Avaya export file, you will need:

  • A Windows workstation on the same network as your Avaya system.
  • The administrator credentials of your Avaya CM server.
  • This executable file to your Windows workstation.

How do I generate an Avaya export file?

From your Windows workstation, open a command prompt and browse to the location of the Audit.exe file you’ve downloaded previously.

When ready to launch the export, run the following command: Audit Avaya -i "x.x.x.x" -u "username" -o "avaya". Make sure to change x.x.x.x for the IP address of your Avaya CM server and username for the username of your administrator account.

Enter the password of the administrator account. Follow the progress of the export task via the command prompt. Running this export task may take more than an hour for mid-sized systems and larger.

:white_check_mark: You now have a avaya.ucx file in the same folder as the executable.
Upload the avaya.ucx file to PBX Assessment to receive your customized report.